Saturday, March 19, 2011

I think it's about time for another round of 'Around the Internet'! I like to think of it as a short and quick version of all that has been worth reading on the Internet in the past month.

First up; Rock, Paper, Scissors on crack (eat it Big Bang Theory and your 5 way game). As neat as it is, there are some combos that don't make since. Like computer beats blood, and scissors beat computer. Worth a look anyway. I have to give them credit for coming up with 101 gestures with out using the one everyone knows so well.

A tear down of the iPad2 is worth a quick look. It's all screen, battery, and surprisingly double back tape. Clearly not something intended for most do-it-yourself repairers.

Though I'm partial to funny video's (that's what the Internet is for right?), this next one is an interesting non-funny videos. It is taken shortly after the Chernobyl meltdown. It's sad, but kind of amazing too. Despite the fact I have to read to understand what is going on (subtitles are the bane of modern man), it's worth a watch.

Now, in a probably inappropriate turn, I'm going back to funny.

Photo courtesy of wanna be time traveler with luggage.

We are fortunate enough to live in a time where video games have flourished and allowed people to create diagrams like this one I found at Geekologie. It's a good time to trace your controller roots and be alive.

Courtney of Japan. 
On the video game subject, here are some things you might not have known about pac-man (yeah I knew some of these, but I also have a full pac-man arcade machine in my living room). If you've read this lengthy website about the intricacies of pac-man the Yahoo article is not that great (yet ended up on every major geek news site out there). I highly recommend Chapter 4: Meet the Ghosts.

Sticking to the video game topic, here is a video of the original Super Mario Brothers from first person perspective. I don't completely agree with it's dangerously narrow interpretation, but it's still well done and a fun watch.

To end this round up on the completely weird I'd like to introduce you to Star Trek girl. Resistance is futile.

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