Saturday, October 8, 2011


There aren't many video games that excite me these days. At least not without some nostalgic references to games I grew up on, but I have to share this one with you. I got Just Cause 2 as a freebie from something I bought and finally entered the code into Steam for the lols. There have been a number of games the only reason I'd ever play was because they were free, and almost every one only gets about 20 minutes of play time before I forget about it (looking at you STALKER with all the periods).

Just Cause 2 was entertaining enough to get me through the first few levels, skipping all the cut scenes because they are a little long and pointless. I was even able to overlook the cheesy main character's overly macho all black outfit. Once I got into the main game, I was impressed with it's open ended play style. I have no idea what the story is or what I am supposed to do, but just roaming around stealing cars and jets and just generally blowing things up and causing "chaos" has kept me up until 1am for the first time in a long time. I think it helped that I didn't take the game seriously when I started playing and had no expectations.

It's on Steam for $20, but there is a free demo. I recommend checking it out when you are in the mood for mindless entertainment of the explosive kind.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We did Something Right

A Google search for "tron trench coat" puts our blog post as the first result.

At first I thought it was Google working it's cookie magic on me, but I'm starting to think it's legit.