Thursday, April 28, 2011

We admit, we're fans

Both Michael and I are big fans of Portal. It seems only appropriate that we make our best guesses at the next big Internet meme that will spawn from Portal 2.
Personally I don't think any of them will be as big as; the cake is a lie, our love affair with the weighted companion cube, or GlaDOS's broken hearted end game serenade. None the less, there is some real potential here.
We both agree, Spaaaaace! is going to be big, and all derivatives there of. Such as, I'm in space!

Cave Johnson's lemon rant is a definite contender as serious meme.

His safety quote about "inventing a safety door that won't hit you in the butt on the way out because you're fired," is up there too. I couldn't find a youtube quote of it by itself.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Portal and I hear it has a squeal now

Image courtesy of freakin' hilarious video
used without permission. Feel free to contact me
Valve. I'll happily comply to all your demands.
The argument that video games are not art is a hot seat for debate. One I like to read up on regularly. Here is an article that recently confirmed my conviction video games will not be considered art anytime soon.

Warning: contradictory opinion incoming

Portal, on the other hand, I feel gets damn close. Yes it was created for Valves bottom line, but it started as a project from a group of students at a gaming school. Again there is the "for profit" argument, but it has morphed into a compelling story with deep characters. Or, as my creative writing teacher would argue, people not characters. For some reason we care about these people. Even the deranged computer trying to kill us. I feel, I tiny grain of sadness every time I tear her to pieces and throw every piece into a fire (but it's so fun).

The irony, to me anyway, is this is considered a FPS (if you forgot, that stands for first person shooter). An FPS with a phenomenal metascore and not a single gun you get to shoot. That's quite an achievement.

Also, I can't recommend this video enough. Freakin' hilarious (65% more bullet per bullet makes me laugh for days).