Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Interesting and Worthy

Because we previously reported on the site with the goal to help Nathan buy Firefly, I feel somewhat obligated to point out the effort has officially been canned. Which was expected.

Picture courtesy of people with vision.
None the less, the linked article did turn me on to an equally interesting and more worthy cause called Can't Stop the Serenity. The worthy is easy to point out. They're goal is to spread the simple, yet seemingly un-graspable, idea of equality between human beings. Specifically by supporting a larger organization called Equality Now.

The interesting: they're using a fan base to do it. Why do we not see this more? I've said it before and I'll say it again; we're Americans and we need to be entertained (sad but true I know). As a rule, most of us don't take many interest in issues that don't effect us. That doesn't make them any less important, that's just the way it is. People are fans of things (I've seen facebook). To the people who control the intellectual property that is popular (like Joss Whedon), I say use that power for good--not just making gobs of money.

Am I walking the line between entertainment and spreading propaganda. Heck yeah! Some things are worth spreading. The entertaining part will come when Justin Bieber get's hordes of screaming fan girls to take action against Saudi Arabia over child marriage.

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