Thursday, May 31, 2012

Two Dudes Discuss: Cloud Storage

Raining on your storage parade.
Two dude's conversing mostly about cloud storage. Turned out to be an interesting conversation. The kind of conversation that started this blog in the first place. Only slight edits from the original text for readability.

Some background, Michael is the Apple fan who has lent James his old iPad (no bloody 2, 3, or 4 -- points if you get the reference). James is not an Apple fan but willing to try new things for little to no cost.

Conversation after the jump.

Michael: local storage is so 2008

James: but back to this iCloud

Michael: lol

James: so I install it on a windows computer

Michael: it stores files………in the cloud
if i want to move an ebook/pdf over to my ipad quickly, i use dropbox

James: and it like little check boxes sync my book marks and other little crap things I could care less about

Michael: b/c you can open it

and then get the option to "save to ibooks"

James: why is it so hard to put files on the iPad?
that is my biggest complaint
it comes up in explorer, but not writeable
but yes I use dropbox
b/c that works

Michael: have you looked at jailbreaking?

James: yes I have

Michael: does it give you that option or no?

James: I'm not sure, I've read a little but still wrapping my head around it

I don't see any big reason to jailbreak

Michael: yeah, that's why i usually don't

James: it gives you access to "unapproved" apps
I've found plenty of apps, just the file transfer functionality is such a basic thing
I guess I'm old fashion
I tried amazon's cloud first
b/c it made since, want to send a book to kindle

Michael: the kindle app?

James: amazon's cloud is so screwed up
yes Kindle app

Michael: lol, i use the s3 service for storage
played with the vm service
nothing else though

James: to up load music I have to use a program

Michael: check out spotify

James: but I can upload other files via the web interface
but those don't show up on the kindle apps
they give me some email address to send files too, I don't want to email attachments I just want to read a book
so many different places to do things
just give me 1 place to put files
and my all time favorite, Google, is no better

Michael: i think their argument is you can't do anything with those files, so why would you want to put them on it?
well, i guess it also depends on what kind of files we are talking about

James: my ideal cloud storage would let me put any file I please... like dropbox

Michael: k

James: and....have a web interface to interact with common files... like music, docs, pictures
let me organize them how I feel like though
just my ideal world

not sure how the free version works
i paid the 2.99
but basically, you setup it's server piece on your pc
then, the iphone/ipad app searches for it on your wireless network
and you can stream anything from your pc to ipad
i use it all the time
your computer converts it on the fly into an ipad format
don't remember which

James: I've been tempted to buy more storage for google drive
b/c it's cheap

Michael: i pay for dropbox

James: $5 for 100GB

Michael: wait what

James: yeah, but I want to put a 60GB VM on there

Michael: oh, 5/month

James: was about to link it
I see you found it

Michael: i'm that fast
x gets the square

James: lol

Michael: we use [Google apps] here at the lab

James: I have my "dev" environment at work

Michael: so i'm pretty ingrained in the google environment now

James: and I was thinking put it all on a VM
and then put the VM in gdrive or dropbox

Michael: about to hit the cap on drop box

James: so I can use it at home and work

Michael: 50GB for 9.99/mo

James: I know
I like gdrive's price, I like dropbox's flexibility

Michael: agreed

James: if gdrive comes up with a linux client... which I know they will, I'll probably buy storage

Michael: but you can download the gdrive part right?

James: Id definitely buy if they had a ipad app

Michael: i think they are working on the ipad app
i know they are working on the linux app

James: yeah there is a program for gdrive just like dropbox

Michael: yeah, i have it on my mac

James: sync it with a folder, all that good stuff

Michael: hmm
yeah, me and my dad started converting that video
that stuff takes up a little space
i think gdrive is going to be my repository for it

James: lol yeah

Michael: since it's a little cheaper
i'll probably keep dropbox, though
well, i dunno

James: Dad and I finally agree to start a "Home Tech Infrastructure Fund"

Michael: ipad app comes out for gdrive - see you later dropbox

James: and first on the list is synology nas

yes yes yes
that has been on my project list for a while
was waiting for hard drives to go back down
but i think they have stabilized now

James: yeah
you know....

Michael: we just need to build a family cloud

James: oh man I'm having a brain storm
I see you are on the same page

Michael: great minds....

James: no doubt
synology supports rsync
we could set up and rsync between the two of us
save room by combining common files
like video
freakin HD video kills my little 2TB drive
and by HD video I mean [omitted to protect the innocent] movies
added bonus for buying gdrive, also upgrades gmail to 25GB

James: have you seen that walmart thing

Michael: documentary?

James: take your movies in and they add them to a streaming service for you
I can't help but wonder how that works... clearly they're not going to rip them
and what stops you from taking your movies and my movies? then me doing the same?
just read your link... bad news for dropbox

Michael: awww yeah


Michael: i think i opted into skydrive
i saw a few articles about "make sure to get your free 25GB"

James: I saw that too
never used it, why start now

Michael: yeah
i don't have anything on it
maybe a secondary picture backup

James: they'd probably want me to create a liveID I'll never use too

Michael: ooh, max file size of 10GB on gdrive
no bueno for vms
unless you split it, right?

James: you know, these kinds of conversations are what we need to put on our blog

Michael: lol

James: real conversations, real geeks, two totally different fan boys

Michael: who's going to stop you?
apple apple apple
there, got my hourly plug in

James: I likes google
we're in gchat, in your face

Michael: icloud for teh winz0rz!!!!11one111!!!!

James: I also think I'm the only nerd left who respects Microsoft

Michael: they have/are still doing cool stuff
i want to see where they go with kinect
if i could talk to my computer, multitasking is going to take off
unless apple beats them to it with siri

James: did you see the kinect-like device with nothing but microphone and speakers

Michael: now what now?

if that's not worthy of a little geek respect I don't know what is

Michael: damn, i saw this really cool video of motion tracking a few weeks ago and probably won't be able to find it now

James: also material for some great slashdot comments
you're right, I'm totally posting big chunks of this conversation on our blog

Michael: do iiiiit

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