Monday, October 22, 2012

Wikipedia Games


Sometimes I play a game I made up that I thought was original, I call it degrees of Wikipedia. Turns out my idea is so unoriginal it already has a wikipedia page. I thought I'd share my experiences on playing some of the variations of this game.

Both of these versions you can only use links in the main body. I assume that meant table of contents too, it wasn't specific. It does not include category links, and obviously not the main menu on the left.

5 Clicks to Jesus
random page:
click 1:
click 2:
click 3:
click 4:
1 under par, I believe they call that a birdie. I dunno, I didn't pass through the golf Wikipedia page.

Find Hitler!
random page:
click 1: (there were only two options!)
click 2:
click 3:
click 4:
click 5:

My version
In my version I choose two random pages and get from one to the other. The advantage is you can see the links on the target page. Sometimes it's a lot harder than others. The above two have the advantage that the target page is popular and has a lot of links to them. My rule is slightly different in that I allow for the use of any links (category included) except for the left hand menu. For particularly hard to find pages (like my target below) I'll use the "what links here" button.

random page:
click 1:
click 2:
click 3:
click 4:
click 5:
click 6:
target page:
6 clicks + 4 for two uses of "links to page" = 10 points

I vary on some of their rules too. I'm okay with using countries, but I generally stay away from dates (you can't use dates and countries in the first two variations). I also don't think the use of ctrl+f to be a cheat.

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